Prevention and Intervention Coaching

Our Prevention and Intervention Coaching Services are designed for parents who have adolescents and young adults living at home or in college and who are exhibiting concerning behaviors. Your coach will help you to hone in on achievable goals, own what you can control, master new techniques and enact new strategies and change within your parenting construct and in your home. If you are ready for strategic support in shifting parenting techniques and in home structure then this is the service for you.

What's Included

  • 8 weeks of parent coaching sessions and as needed support
  • 2 weekly scheduled phone or video coaching sessions for skill building and strategic support
  • Access to your coach and non-crisis support between scheduled sessions
  • As needed crisis support for parenting challenges
  • Collaborative contact with other professionals on the therapeutic support team to ensure the best possible treatment

What Will I Learn?

  • Positive and effective communication strategies between parents, whether in an intact, split or blended family
  • How to empower your children while being clear and confident about your own parental boundaries
  • How to effectively increase proactive parenting and decrease reactive parenting
  • How to increase skill and confidence in parenting strategies and techniques
  • How to create a stronger emotional connection with your child
  • How to support conflict resolution within the family
  • How to manage your child's home technology usage in a healthy way
  • How to navigate your feelings as well as the decisions that need to be made about structure and boundaries for your household

What will our sessions focus on?

  • Creating a place to openly discuss challenges in parenting and personal struggles with your adolescent and young adult children and a place to process, plan and focus on what to expect, how to slow your reaction time, regulate your emotions and respond
  • Support with the emotional process of managing a complex family situation and the impact on all members of the family
  • Guidance and instruction for effectively preparing and executing parent agreements and home contracts
  • Identifying your role in repairing and strengthening the parent-child relationship
  • Assessing the current strengths and struggles within your family. Helping to address any immediate challenges you are facing with any of your children. Understanding the experience of siblings and how to support them effectively through this and through their own challenges.
  • Getting both parents on the same page to ensure healthy collaboration that best supports the child
  • Addressing your family situation as a whole, and not just working to change your child's behavior
  • Empowering you to bring peace back into your home by focusing on what you have control over
  • Support and guidance when the execution of the plans and goals are challenging or seem ineffective
  • Third-party perspective and support on evaluating effectiveness of in-home strategies and structures

Prevention / Intervention Coaching FAQs

With preventative parent coaching, parents ask for our support when they are concerned about their child’s emotional or behavioral challenges and are not quite ready, for various reasons, to commit to treatment for the child out of the home. Your child might be involved in an Intensive Outpatient (IOP) or Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) program, and your coach would ideally support you throughout this time.

For a period of time, your SPS parent coach works with you to identify the challenge areas most important to you to address, to highlight what you do and don’t have control over, to change the tone of the household and to shift aspects of the home structure or communication styles that can contribute to overall success. We can borrow from concepts that are utilized in treatment, teach them to a co-parenting team and tweak them to ensure they meet your families individual needs.

While we work with you to do all that you can to create change in your home, there are times when parents realize they have done all that they can and that their child is in need of more support. We will work with you to determine pros and cons of the path you are on and, if it seems clinically indicated, we will recommend other professionals to help you find an out of home treatment option appropriate to your child’s needs.